
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact

This table tracks customer points earning and redemption activities by loyalty program at a transaction line item level. It also identifies points used by price modifiers so retailers can drill down to the lowest level of detail to analyze how loyalty programs interact with promotions and sales.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint
BusinessUnitID (FK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer BusinessUnitDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_BUSINESS_UNIT)
BusinessDayDate The calendar date of the BusinessDay. DC_DY_BSN DateCalendar date
WorkstationID The unique identifier for the WORKSTATION, typically the serial number. ID_WS Identity integer
OperatorID A unique, automatically assigned number used to identify a workstation OPERATOR. ID_OPR Identity integer
CancelledFlag A flag denoting that this entire transaction has been cancelled before it was completed at the POS. FL_CNCL Flag int
VoidedFlag A flag denoting that this entire transaction has been voided (and reversed) after it was completed at the POS via a PostVoidTransaction. FL_VD Flag int
SuspendedFlag A flag denoting that this entire transaction has been suspended before it was completed at the POS. FL_SPN Flag int
TrainingFlag A flag to signify whether the workstation is in training mode. FL_TRG_TRN Flag int
CustomerID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Customer. ID_CT Identity int CustomerDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_CT)
ChannelID (FK) Token Identifier for a channel instance ID_CHNL Identity int ChannelDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_CHNL)
RetailShoppingTripTypeCode A code designating the purpose of the shopping trip that is related to a RetailTransaction. Examples: QUICKSTOP FILLIN STOCKUP CD_RTL_SHPPG_TRP_TYP Code varchar(20)
UnitCount The total number of individual ITEMs (SKU's) which are sold in the transaction QU_UN_RTL_TRN QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TillID The unique identifier for the TENDER RESPOSITORY. ID_RPSTY_TND Identity int
ISOCurrencyCode Currency code designated by ISO to identify national currency CD_CNY_ISO_4217 Number int
LineItemPointsRedeemedLoyaltyProgramID A artificial, unique identifier for a loyalty program. TR_LTM_RDM_ID_PRGM_LYLT Identity int
LineItemPointsRedeemedCustomerAccountID A unique identifier for a customer account. TR_LTM_RDM_ID_CTAC Identity int
LineItemPointsRedeemedRetailPriceModifierSequenceNumber The sequence number for this RetailPriceModifier allowing more than one price modification to occur on each retail transaction line item. TR_LTM_RDM_IC_MDFR_RT_PRC LineNumber smallint
LineItemPointsRedeemedPromotionalProductID A unique identifier for a Promotional Product. TR_LTM_RDM_ID_PDT_PRM Money decimal(16,5)
LineItemPointsRedeemedPointsRedeemedQuantity The number of points redeemed for a specified loyalty program-account in this points redemption entity. TR_LTM_RDM_QU_PNT_RDMD QuantityInteger int
LineItemPointsRedeemedLoyaltyPointsEarnedDerivationRuleID Token ID for a LoyaltyPointsEarnedDerivationRule instance. TR_LTM_RDM_ID_LYLT_PNT_ERN_DRVN_RU Identity int
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModifierPromotionalOfferID The unique identifier for a promotion. TR_LTM_RDM_ID_PRM_OFR Identity int
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModifierPromotionalInitiativeID A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. TR_LTM_RDM_ID_PRML_INITV Identity int
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModifierRewardDerivationRuleID A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. TR_LTM_RDM_ID_RU_PRDV Identity int
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModifierRewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. TR_LTM_RDM_ID_EL_PRDV Identity int
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModiferPercent The percent adjustment that was applied to the unit retail price to arrive at the modified selling price. TR_LTM_RDM_PE_MDFR_RT_PRC Percent decimal(7,4)
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModifierAmount The flat amount of the price adjustment that was removed from the unit selling price to arrive at the modified selling price. TR_LTM_RDM_MO_MDFR_RT_PRC Money decimal(16,5)
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModifierPreviousPrice The unit price that was used as the basis of the price modification. TR_LTM_RDM_MO_PRV_PRC MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModiferCalculationMethodCode A mnemonic code denoting how the price modifcation calculation was performed. e.g. PercentageModifier, UnitPriceModifier, ManualPriceOverride, etc. TR_LTM_RDM_CD_MTH_CLC Code4 char(4)
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModifierAdjustmentMethodCode A mnemonic code denoting what kind of adjustment is being made to the retail price of the Item. e.g. Increase, Decrease. TR_LTM_RDM_CD_MTH_ADJT Code2 char(2)
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModifierNewPrice The unit price that was the result of the price modification. TR_LTM_RDM_MO_NW_PRC MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModiferModificationBenefitCode A mnemonic code denoting what sort of discount benefit is being given. e.g. EmployeeDiscount, ManagerDiscount, or CustomerDiscount. TR_LTM_RDM_CD_MDF_BNFT Code4 char(4)
LineItemPointsRedeemedPriceModiferDescription Business description of a retail price modifier that may be used to store special discount-related messages that may be printed on the receipt. TR_LTM_RDM_DE_MDFR_RTL_PRC DescriptionShort varchar(255)
TransactionPointsRedeemedPriceModifierPromotionalOfferID The unique identifier for a promotion. TR_RDM_ID_PRM_OFR Identity int
TransactionPointsRedeemedPriceModifierPromotionalInitiativeID A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. TR_RDM_ID_PRML_INITV Identity int
TransactionPointsRedeemedPriceModifierRewardDerivationRuleID A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. TR_RDM_ID_RU_PRDV Identity int
TransactionPointsRedeemedPriceModifierRewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. TR_RDM_ID_EL_PRDV Identity int
TransactionPointsRedeemedPriceModifierPercentage The percentage of the price modification that was applied to the RetailTransaction total. TR_RDM_PE_MDF Percent decimal(7,4)
TransactionPointsRedeemedPriceModifierAmount The monetary value of the price modification that was given. TR_RDM_MO_MDF Money decimal(16,5)
TransactionPointsRedeemedPriceModifierPriceModificationBaseAmount The monetary value of the transaction (i.e. a sum of sale return line item extended actual retail amounts) plus or minus other PriceModificationLineItem values used as the basis for this price modifciation calculation. NOTE: The ARTS model defines placeholders for transaction-level discounts. However, it is the retailer's responsibility to specify the business rules for calculating transaction-level price modificaction values. TR_RDM_MO_PRC_MDFN_BS_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
TransactionPointsRedeemedPriceModifierDescription Business description of a retail price modifier that may be used to store special discount-related messages that may be printed on the receipt. TR_RDM_DE_TR_LTM_MDF DescriptionShort varchar(255)
SalesLinePointsEarnedItemLoyaltyProgramID A artificial, unique identifier for a loyalty program. TR_LTM_ERN_ID_PRGM_LYLT Identity int
SalesLinePointsEarnedCustomerAccountID A unique identifier for a customer account. TR_LTM_ERN_ID_CTAC Identity int
SalesLinePointsEarnedPointsQuantity The actual number of points earned and added to the loyalty program-account (if it's a sale) or deducted from the loyalty program-account (if it's a return). This join entity attributes points to a loyalty program-account. The calculation of points for each loyalty program-account is handled by the application logic. TR_LTM_ERN_QU_PNT_ERN QuantityInteger int
SalesLinePointsEarnedLoyaltyPointsDerivationRuleID Token ID for a LoyaltyPointsEarnedDerivationRule instance. TR_LTM_ERN_ID_LYLT_PNT_ERN_DRVN_RU Identity int
SalesLinePointsEarnedLoyaltyPointsEligibilityRuleID Token identifier for a LoyaltyPointsEarnedEligibilityRule instance. TR_LTM_ERN_ID_LYLT_PNT_ERN_EL_RU Identity int
LoyaltyProgramRelativeValueCode Identifies and establishes the relative value of a customer loyalty tier. Examples: A - most valuable B C D E F G - least valuable In assigning the values they should represent an descending order of values from MOST ot LEAST valuable. TR_LTM_ERN_CD_LYLT_PRGM_RLTV_VL Code2 char(2)
PromotionalRewardPointsQuantity Promotion-based points that are earned based on eligibility criteria satisfied by a shopper versus based on purchasing items. PRML_QU_RWD_PNT_ERN Number int
PromotionalRewardPointsPromotionalOfferID The unique identifier for a promotion. PRML_ID_PRM_OFR Identity int
PromotionalRewardPointsRewardDerivationRuleID A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. PRML_ID_RU_PRDV Identity int
PromotionalRewardPointsRewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. PRML_ID_EL_PRDV Identity int
PromotionalRewardPointsPromotionalInitiativeID A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. PRML_ID_PRML_INITV Identity int


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ChannelDimension defines venu for CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact
BusinessUnitDimension is responsible for CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact
CustomerDimension earns/redeems points throug CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact
CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact occurs during RetailTransasctionLineItemCalendarPeriodAssociation
CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact occurs during RetailTransactionLineItemReportingPeriodAssociation

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